A 9-Month Immersive 1:1 Container for the woman who holds it all and is ready to be fully supported.
You’re here to make a meaningful impact, experince epic love and fulfill your Soul's highest calling.
Deeper embodiement of your authentic self & Voice is what's needed. That's what we do here...
Who You Are...
You are a high-achieving, mission-driven woman.
You were likely raised—whether through cultural, familial, or religious conditioning—to repress your feelings, your voice, and your erotic naturalness. You've done a lot of work and come far in these areas yet now, you sense life is calling you to go deeper, to go "there"…You’re grateful & you want more.
You are a leader, entrepreneur, or creative.
You've created significant success in your life, yet you continue to experience unwanted patterns and feel like the fulfillment you seek is just beyond your reach. There’s more for you, and you know it. You are intelligent & deeply spiritual. You desire to integrate your Faith with a more embodied, authentic, and pleasurable way of doing this whole thing.
You crave a place where you can be held in your bigness.
You hold space for many: your family, friends, clients, and your mission. You want a space that is nurturing and intelligent, big enough and deep enough to guide you and hold you in processing what is required to move ahead. You know how to do it, you just need the space and a little guidance.
You are ready to go all in on YOUR life & YOUR Voice, whatever it takes.
This container is designed for you...
Women work with me 1:1 when they are looking for the most direct path to address what is no longer working for them.
They are ready to let go of whatever is in the way of living as their most authentic selves. They are tired of perfectionism, it's killing them slowly. The results of their life are good (most would say great) yet they long to be who they truly are and for that to be safe (and maybe even make them more effortlessly prosperous). They have something burning inside of them to express and create.
They feel they might explode if it doesn't come out. Many are ready to be fully met in true love and partnership.
This work is about feeling.
Your body knows how to do this.
Through a multimodality approach, we create a space for the exploration of the full range of your erotic creature , the wisdom of your feminine essence and hold in your body the magnitude of your power. We untangle any subconscious programing of shame, separation, scarcity or unworthiness through guided frameworks, somatic practices and sensual movement - this is not about blasting off, it's about blasting in.
This work is non-traditional and calls forth your greatest devotion.
It’s not for everyone.
I take a very "by whatever mean necessary" approach when working one-on-one, making our time together highly customized and rich with surprise. We will get to our desired outcome, everyone's path to getting there is just a little different. This isn’t just Tantra or talk therapy; it’s a full-spectrum exploration and practice of becoming fully alive while in your body and allowing the release of long-held tension that’s blocking the natural flow of life that's been seeking to express through you. Through a wide-range of practices and immersive experiences you will expand your capacity to hold higher frequencies of love, aliveness and power in your body. This work can heal trauma, activate your greatest spiritual gifts and turn on your capacity for the most authentic and meaningful impact in your leadership. I've seen this work produce massive results and shifts in my clients' lives. As a result of this work women have significantly reduced anxiety and found deep seated trust in themselves and life, they have accessed levels of love and pleasure in self that they never thought possible, they have created their best art yet, they've launched businesses that went on to make them hundreds of thousands of dollars, they've found true love, they've re-built thier relationships with their parents. Anything is possible with practice and trust.
I will invite you to approach this work and the container we create with the potential to radically transform your life by actively incarnating in this body, at this time: embracing your shadow, your humanity and all.
This work is a path to your truest pleasure and liberation.
It’s a path, and I’m a guide. This is a “bottom-up” approach: body first. Some people talk to therapists for decades while still being stuck in the same cycles like Groundhog Day. Some read books and unknowingly trick themselves into thinking things are changing because they’ve accumulated mental knowledge. And some choose to take the path less traveled, excavate and plug directly into their power source. Only one of these results in the embodiment of the feminine. The other tools can be supportive, it's just not all of what we are doing here. If you choose to plug in, you’ll create infinite access to the pleasure you’ve always sensed is possible and a deep rooted gnowing that you are not seperate from life - this is Gnosis (the knowing that comes from the body) This is the liberation.
Who is EMBODIED for?
This is for you if...
- You’ve felt you are too much for anyone to truly meet or hold you.
- You’ve done a lot of personal growth work and are ready to unapologetically move in your authentic feminine embodiment, expression and leadership.
- You’re done holding back.
- You’re done with these repeated unwanted patterns and relational experiences.
- You want to immerse yourself in and be supported in your full feeling, expression and aliveness.
- You’re ready to activate the fullness of your spiritual and creative gifts so you can serve in a way that turns you on and supports you deeply.
- You’re a high performer, but you're not connected to your pleasure and feminine expression in the way you sense is possible.
- You are a leader who knows your next cut in leadership is to serve and speak as the pure instrument of Love and the artist that you are.
- You are a woman of Faith, ready to live as the full embodiment of all who you are: devotion, sex, & turn-on included.
This is NOT for you if...
- You’re looking for traditional talk therapy or only other traditional tools.
- You have severe, unresolved sexual trauma.
- You’re not open to trying new things.
- You are unwilling to let go of victim consciousness.
- You’re not available to prioritize this work and practice in your daily life.
This is also for you if you want to...
- Dance real cool.
- Have a lot of fun.
- Meet + actitvate creative parts of yourself you never knew existed.
- Create your most epic art yet!
- Experience embodied freedom that no one & no circumstance can ever take from you.
- Establish a level of TRUST with yourself, life and your animal body that will leave you in tears of joy, you’re home.
- Experince what life is like on the other side of control ;)
What Others Are Saying....
"MC is the real deal!"
I first met MC when she was teaching V. and I was mesmerized by this woman! How could it be that she was so at ease and at home within herself? When I disocvered she worked 1:1 with women, I knew it was for me.
When I came to Mary Catherine, I was blocked. Really blocked. I can see that now. I was trying so hard to be someone I was not. I recall sitting on her couch in our first session and being struck by how deep and attuned her intuition was. She is the real deal! I don't know how else to say it. I tell her all the time how grateful I am for her gift , her guidance and the tools she's provided me to continue coming back to this work, back to myself.
My life now is the sweet taste of what I've always known is possbile. I am me. Just me. Glorious messy alive human me. And I'm on an exquisite love journey with myself, my body, this life, mother nature. Everything has opened up for me, my art is pouring forth. I love and appreciate this woman and the container she held for me so much. From the depths of my heart MC, thank you.
"I went on to create my best work yet"
I am so grateful for my time with Mary Catherine, she has truly and forever radically changed my life. Her unconventional method, the way she holds space, the tools she provides - she is the real deal and a true elite level coach. I am a woman who creates BIG and holds a LOT. When I came to MC, I was tired, frustrated, and overwhelemed with anxiety after many years of pushing myself and not feeling the fullness of my feelings. Noone had really ever seen me until I let MC see me. I will never forget that moment - and that was just in one immerstion!
Through her seeing of me, I was able to, for the first time, see and recieve myself. And nothing could be more valuable. From our work together and the pathways of feeling our work opened, I went on to create my best work yet and found my path to financial and emotional stability. MC is a friend, a guide and a champion for your most authentic, loved and free self.
If you're a woman who holds big and creates big, I hightly recommend getting MC in your corner fast. Show up, do the practices no matter how weird they may seem, trust the process and watch as your life opens up in ways you never imagined but always hoped. Thank you MC, I love you forever and ever.
"If you want to get to know the woman are..."
From the first time I met Mary Catherine I felt deeply seen, like I had met a fellow seeker who understood my journey, my struggle, and my desire to leave behind the version of myself that was keeping me small. Just weeks after our first intention session things began to shift. I began to feel an opening for understanding myself, my femininity, and my internal power in a new way.
At first she was just a strong mirror for me to imagine something different, something more expansive; but then we started moving, breathing and sitting with it all and holy magic… It’s been a wild unfolding the past 6 months. The work continues but her love and laser-style intuitive coaching was a catalyst and remains a pillar of support. I’m deeply grateful for this work and for this offering. If you want to get to know the woman you were created to be, this radiant human is a gift to help guide us on our journeys.
Blessings on your journey and adventure with Mary Catherine!
How It Works
I'm all about next steps, here's a complete picture of how to flow of EMBODIED works...
1Fill Out Application + Schedule A Time to Chat
Select the button below and fill out the application. The application is meant to support me in learning more about you and to help you begin to clarify your intention in this work. We will book a call to get to know each other, review your application, and see if EMBODIED is a perfect fit for you!
2Say Yes + Book Opening Ceremony (virtual or in person)
When we decide to work together, we will complete payment and registration and book our first 2-Hour Opening Ceremony. This is where the magic begins! We set the container, tone, and intention for our work together, a living field we can and will continue to attune to as we go.
3Somatic Sessions Begin
In these pivotal sessions, we connect using somatic practices and multiple modalities to access deeper feelings, insights, release, and expression for long-held patterns and emotions. The ceremony continues!
4Private Retreat & Immersion #1
Our first in-person private retreat. Experience a space curated just for you and the intention of our work together. This overnight experience is all about surrender and receiving. Magic and love await!
5Continued Somatic Sessions & Integration
In the weeks following our first private immersion, we process and integrate your key takeaways and insights. Integration is the process of translating insights into lasting ways of being through practice. Together, we design how to best align your experience with new actions to establish lasting transformation.
6Private Retreat & Immersion #2
Our second in-person private retreat! The deeper we go, the deeper we go, right? This retreat is designed for an even deeper exploration of self and allowing even more love in. Fun and good times await! Nothing for you to do but arrive.
7Continued Somatic Sessions & Integration
In the weeks following our second private immersion, we process and integrate your key takeaways and insights. Integration is the process of translating insights into lasting ways of being through practice. Together, we design how to best align your experience with new actions to establish lasting transformation.
8In Person Immersion #3
Our final in-person or virtual private immersion. In this day immersion we will close our time together here with our Closing Ceremony. Closing our container is one of the most special times. It’s deep, meaningful, and designed to leave you grounded in the initiation you completed with clear direction and a peaceful knowing of your path forward. You will feel clear to walk fully in this new embodiment of you in your work, your leadership, your love, and your relationships. This is always a beautiful, heart-filled send-off—until we meet again soon!
9Also Included:
- Voxer Support between sessions
- Guided Practices and customized recommended reading to support in between sessions.
Next Steps?
Everyone's needs and experiences are unique. To save time and set the stage for our exploration, I’ve built this application process. At the end of the application, you will be guided to book a call with me. The call is designed to get to know each other and determine if working together in this way is the perfect fit and time for both of us! I look forward to connecting more with you soon!
© Mary Catherine Shurett Consulting, LLC